
Tuesday 30 June 2020


I am learning to form all letters correctly.

Digital Literacy

This was an activity where we could share our experiences that we had in Lock
down with other students.. We used Bee Bots and coding to make our own adventures.

Basic Facts Term 2

This is my basic facts test that I had 3 minutes to complete.

Rocket Writing

Hello! We have been doing environmental writing about our rocket creations. Here is my work:

Friday 26 June 2020

Rocket poem

I wrote a rocket shape poem.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Place Value

We have been learning how numbers are made up of tens and ones.

We were learning about place Value.
I found it easy to do the pluses because its what I know best.
I found it hard to make the numbers so I need to practice more.
I really enjoyed How many tens and ones.
Next time I need to do the correct answers.

Butterfly Art

We  were looking at butterflies in our environment.                                                                                 I used a range of materials and techniques to create my butterfly.
We were learning about symmetry we made butterfly Art.
I found it easy to glue the grass.
I found it hard to draw the side line.
I really enjoyed drawing .
Next time I need to be careful gluing.

Basic Facts

This is my maths basic facts test. 


I am learning to spell words correctly all the time.

My Pepeha

We have been learning about where we come from.  My pepeha is special to me.

Self Portrait

 We are learning to sketch a drawing of ourselves.


I am learning water skills to help improve my swimming.

Tuesday 2 June 2020


I was able to learn and understand my pepeha.